Sarcinula areldii (Luer) Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 105: 204. 2006.
Bas.: Pleurothallis areldii Luer, Selbyana 2(4): 383-384. 1978.
TYPE: Panama. Chiriqui: epiphytic in cloud forest at the Fortuna dam site, alt. ca. 750 m, Feb 1977, R.L. Dressler s.n., greenhouse acc. no. 77-1787, flowered in cult. 9 Aug 1977, C. Luer 1653 (holotype, SEL; detail of the holotype, SEL).
Specklinia areldii (Luer) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase, Lindleyana 16(4): 256. 2001.